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  • How to make heart healthy?

    Heart, no matter what species they are under Kingdom Animalia, they have at least one. A wonder which as long as is beating signifies we are alive. There is not a single second when it is not beating, if it stops, we die. You could even say it is the most important part of our body. The main function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body that enables us move, think, work and do a lot more.

    Many people if not all always take care of how they look on the outside. They bath, put on make-up, wear sunscreen to protect skin, take care of hair and so on but how many of us take care of our heart. Well, the answer is none. We eat oily foods, junk foods, saturated fats, high sugar content foods without a care in the world, which in turn thickens the blood, increases blood fat level, increases fat deposits resulting in heart problems and then you die leaving behind your loved ones at a young age. Let us go into a bit more detail now.

    We love our fast foods don’t we, burgers, Ramens, fried chicken, pizza, taco, chips, donuts are a few of many on the list. We love these foods because they are tasty. The reason for that is the combinations of excessive spices or salts or sugars in those foods when taken releases the happy hormone which is dopamine. In simple terms we are happy, not content but happy when we eat those foods. If we are happy then why are they being called ‘junk’ foods. Well, that’s because they contain high amount of trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids which is unnecessary and dangerous for our body in out of limit amounts. Fat is an energy reservoir of the body which in modern world may be associated with bad views but having fat in a limit is very much required for your body to live and do its functions. The type of fat that the body stores is both saturated and unsaturated fats, between both of them the safest and healthiest one is the unsaturated one. After you eat those junks, the body produces saturated fats by digesting them which when becomes excessive gets deposited in your veins where blood flows, obstructing them thereby increasing the wall pressure and causing high blood pressure. They also solidify and cause infarctions to blood vessels while they flow, where cells get deposited increasing the thickness of the vessel. Ok I know I am talking too much for your brain to understand but in short junk foods are bad, very bad.

    Do you guys know, in 2021 about 3.7 million people died of coronary heart disease which is the most common type of heart problem. About 1 in 20 people in age group 20 have heart problem. I am not attributing this only to junk foods as in today’s world where brain is required more than brawn, people are leading sedentary life styles. How is that bad? Well, let me explain.

    You normally eat 3 to 4 meals a day, which amounts to 2000 calories in minimum. If you are a normal office worker like me, you sit on your PC for 8-9 hours which burns 130calories per hour, 1040 to 1170 calories in total, which is the max amount I am calculating. Add that to another 350-400 calories that you burn while moving around in your waking hour. Now minus the spent from gained you save 600 calories per day which may not sound much for a day but when it gets accumulated to 18000 calories per month which gets saved as fat on your belly, on your thighs, on your face, neck, butt, others and that is when it gets dangerous. Hope you get it now. If you are not afraid even after seeing that number, then let’s just say even God can’t save your fat ass.

    When you have more fat on your body, it means you have more unhealthy things flowing in your blood too. Now where does blood go and through what? It goes to heart and through vessels. To make you a bit more motivated (afraid), let’s list out the problems that arise when you have excessive fat.

    Coronary heart disease
    Angina pectoris – This one seriously hurts
    Heart attack
    Heart failure
    Cardiac arrythmia
    Myocardial infarction

    And all these blessings (Sarcasm) that come with hyperlipidemia or fat-ass disease lead ultimately to death which is coming at a younger age now.

    You can avoid all those by taking a bit more care of your heart. How to do that, well follow me;

    First, stop eating junk foods. Occasionally it is good to have a taste of them but not always.

    Second, regular exercise. If you don’t know where to start, I have another blog How to start exercise on this topic.

    Third, move around a lot and by feet, not motorbike but cycle is good.

    Fourth, do a lot of bed exercise, you know what I am talking about. It is good for heart. I am not telling you to be awake all night long doing it but do frequently if you are married (Yeah yeah, I know, but I have pretty old thought process.)

    Fifth, sleep well. Get 7-8 hours of good sleep. The NREM one. I will discuss sleep more in another blog in future and leave a link.

    Sixth, be happy. This world and the people in it, except for family are not really worth being sad for.

    That’s it folks. See you in another blog.

    Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash